A former award-winning journalist, now a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, Silvia Kusnirova has spent her professional life being involved in driving positive change in numerous areas, ranging from journalism, communication industry, philanthropy and art.
She is one of the leading communication, PR and reputation experts with an extensive 20-year experience in the field. After her career in political journalism when she hosted the opinion-making TV political talk shows in major media outlets, she later founded SKPR STRATEGIES (www.skpr.sk), currently one of the leading public relations consultancy companies in Slovakia. Her agency, founded on the firm principles of social responsibility, works pro-bono for numerous philanthropic initiatives, some of them being directly linked to Silvia’s own philanthropic endeavours, whilst also supporting companies active in corporate social responsibility as well as various non-profit organizations.
Silvia is a firm believer in the role of business as a driving force of positive change and she has mastered an effective model of synergies between her business and philanthropy activities.
Also, Silvia is a Board Member at the NGO Dive maky/Wild poppies (www.divemaky.sk) that supports talented Roma kids from underprivileged backgrounds and whose Young Roma Leaders program has been one of a kind in the country. Silvia is also a Board Member at NGO Rana starostlivost which works as an esssential and systematic support to families of children with multiple and visual impairments, operating the only specialized Early Intervention Center in Slovakia.
In her journalism years, she had won two journalistic awards: “Eurovision Award/TV’s Personality of the Year and was honored by Open Society Foundation for her contribution to civic society. As an entrepreneur in communication, she brought to Slovakia the historically first Global Sabre Award, an honor given to the best public relations projects around the world.
Silvia is a sought-after communication and media trainings couch. Under the MEET THE PRESS brand she has been teaching top managers and entrepreneurs that communicating about their job is as important as doing the job.
Her great passion is art and togethet with Peter Lukeš she runs the art philanthropy platform Collective, supporting talented artists from Slovakia. Collective is also a co-organizer of the prestigious award for young visual artists in Slovakia - Oskar Cepan Award.
In 2018 Silvia enrolled at the Stanford Graduate School of Business as Stanford Executive Program fellow in their flagship program „Be a Leader Who Matters“.